Rumah Adat Sopo Godang Mandailing dalam Kajian Estetika Timur

Anni Kholilah, Niko Andeska, Muhammad Ghifari


Abstract- Sopo Godang is a custom court for people around there, in Bahasa we called it “Balai Sidang”. Sopo Godang is located in
Mandailing Natal. The architecture is built from big poles in odd quantity, also its stairs. Sopo Gadang is a rectangle building, one of open
space building with no walls around it. The size is smaller than bagas godang. Sopo godang considered to be a holy place because of custom
and customary law which imbued by Sopo godang. In this building, the decision which set the order of patik, uhum, ugari, dan hapantunon.
Sopo Godang is also called sopo siorancang magodang because this building is a place where people look for safety place. Sopo Godang is
deliberately built without wall in order to give the opportunity for society seiing and hearing directly every words of their king and namora
natoras as their leader. Thus, there were transparancy between them. Sopo godang is very unique, such as sirih bersusun, it is simbolize a
good things in speaking and polite manner which is priceless. People believed that sirih brings a good attitude, such as generous, forgiving,
being kind, helping each other easily, and the others. The equipment of sirih : sirih, gambir, kapur sirih, pinang, and tobacco have its own
meaning in the ceremony. This research used descriptive qualitative approach to obtain a comprehensive and analitical description about
this topic. This research used East Aesthetic theory for analizing the findings. The output of this research are publication in Non-Acredited
National Journal and publication in local proceeding.

Key words : Rumah Adat, Sopo Godang Mandailing, East Aesthetic

Teks Lengkap:




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