Tripoli Tripoli, Moch. Afifuddin, Fachrulsyah Fachrulsyah


International Airport Sultan Iskandar Muda (SIM) is one of the 12 airports managed by PT. Angkasa Pura II. SIM in the airport operations require maintenance well-planned and maintained so that the condition of fitness. The research was carried out 2 (two) parts or stages of the respondent employees of PT. AP II-SIM. Phase I to identify the factors that influence the performance of operational and maintenance costs at the airport passenger terminal building facilities Sultan Iskandar Muda (SIM) and the Phase Il conducted to determine respondents' views of other forms of contracts as an altemative in handling the maintenance of the multiyear contract, performance Based Maintenance Contract (PBMC) and the partnership contract. The research data obtained from questionnaires distributec were analyzed with SPSS 17 program. Showed the factors that affect the performance of operational and maintenance costs (Phase 1) which contributes predominantly to the very strong correlation is planning (X1), leadership (X3) and the supervision and control (X4). For multiyear contracts is the dominant type of unit. price contracts, for the Performance Based Maintenance Contract that dominant to transfer owner risk to service providers and for cooperate contract that dominant can increase margin of service providers and owner. Model cost performance of the double linear regression equation is Y = -1.964+0.063X1 - 0.615X2+0.844X3+ 0.761X4.


Performance cost of operational & maintenance, airport SIM, contract


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