Kinematics, singularity, and workspace analysis of a spatial parallel robot with pure translational motion in a plane for pick-and-place operations

Adriyan Adriyan, Muhammad Ridha Fauzi, Zaki Anwar, Dimas Ahmad Mutaqin


This research presents a new spatial Parallel Manipulator (PM) with pure translational motion in a plane or 2-DOF PM for pickand-place operation. This spatial 2-DOF PM is constructed by the 2(RRR)-2(PRRR) kinematic chain and is named Ψ2. This Ψ2 PM offers simplicity in its architecture because each limb applies a 1- DOF joint. The applicability of Ψ2 for pick-and-place operations was investigated by performing kinematic and singularity analyses at the preliminary stage. The singularity of Ψ2 was determined by relying on its Jacobian matrices, where three kinds of singularity can be evaluated. Next, the singularity and Jacobian matrix hold a key to identifying the workspace in a regular geometrical shape required for the operation of such an application. The identified operational workspace must be free of singularity and good conditioning workspace. In this study, two predetermined values of Ψ2 kinematic parameters were used to evaluate the kinematic characteristics and singularity of the manipulator as well as to identify its operational workspace. According to the results, Ψ2 has a good prospect of being applied to high-speed pick-and-place operations.


2-DOF parallel manipulator, pick-and-place operation, conditioning index, identified operational workspace.

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