Smart manufacturing system based on industrial internet of things

Nur Wisma Nugraha, Gun Gun Maulana, Suharyadi Pancono


The primary challenge in the manufacturing industry today is the subpar productivity and efficiency in production processes. This predicament can be attributed to the widespread utilization of suboptimal production systems and the underutilization of advanced technology in manufacturing. Furthermore, the lack of accurate production data, limited employee involvement in production processes, and the high costs associated with production and machine maintenance have emerged as significant concerns in the contemporary manufacturing landscape. In response to these challenges, the adoption of Smart Manufacturing Systems (SMS) based on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has become crucial to address these issues andenhance overall production quality and efficiency. The SMS IIoT system empowers companies to gather real-time data from various industrial devices and machines. This data is subsequently analyzed to optimize production processes, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. With this system in place, companies can closely monitor production processes in real-time and promptly detect and address defective or non-compliant products at the onset of production. The research results show an availability value of 88%, indicating that the machine operates 88% of the scheduled time. A Performance value of 100% indicates that the engine is operating at the desired maximum speed. OEE is calculated as the product of Availability, Performance, and Quality of Rate. With a value of 88%, OEE reflects the overall level of effectiveness of the machine in the production process. This paper highlights the significance of IIoT-based Smart Manufacturing Systems in addressing the prevailing challenges encountered by the manufacturing industry.


Industry, IIOT, Smart Manufacturing, Sensor

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