Studi kekuatan sambungan las terhadap material baja TRS 500 menggunakan variasi gerakan eletroda

Muhammad Halim Asiri, Mardin Husen, Bahdin Ahad Badia, Muhammad Syafrun


One of the most important processes in the metal, machinery, and manufacturing industries is the process of joining metals called welding processes. The movement of the welding electrode can affect the strength of the joint on the welding results. This study aims to determine the results of the strength of a single V-butt joint welding joint using straight electrode movement, circular electrode movement and zigzag electrode movement on TRS 500 steel plates. The welding process is carried out on 6 mm thick steel plates using the SMAW welding process with welding currents 75-95 A, E7016 electrode wire in 1G (down hand) position. Dimensions of specimens and procedural tensile testing procedures in SNI 07-0371-1998 tensile test rods for metal materials referred to JIS Z 2241. From testing the results of welding using electrode movement variations there is an influence on tensile strength and hardness which indicate that the tensile strength of joints the highest welding occurs in the straight electrode (without swing) welding which has the highest average tensile strength of 728.17 MPa and strain of 13.17%, while the lowest tensile testing value of zigzag electrode movement (swing pattern Z) with the average tensile stress value an average of 672.83 MPa and a strain of `13.21%. The value of hardness in the area of heat influence (HAZ), the highest average value of Rockwell hardness is found in the results of welding straight electrode movement of 70.40 N / mm2, while the lowest hardness values in welding circular electrode movement with an average hardness value of 69.10 N / mm2.


Steel TRS 500, SMAW, Tensile Strength, Hardness, Electrode Movement


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