The spices that are usually available in the Aceh market itself are still wet, therefore special processing is needed to create instant seasoning powder that is easy and practical in its presentation. This community service activity aims to provide solutions to partners in processing instant cooking spices from Acehnese spices. The technology used is Drying Blower Oven Technology as an easy, practical cooking spice processing technology made from natural spices. RECEH (Rempah Khas Aceh) product will also be carried out requirements worthy of being seen by testing, such as nutritional content tests, ash content tests, water content tests, organoleptic test to match product marketing standard. This dedication is expected to improve the economy of spice farmers and also introduce Acehnese specialties to various regions domestically and abroad. The result of this dedication resulted in innovative products RECEH (Rempah Khas Aceh), simple patents, and product trademarks.
Keywords: Technology, Instant seasoning powder, Spices.
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