Mariyudi Mariyudi


The specific objectives of this research study are: to provide new insights into the innovation development activities of an emerging market (the macro-environmental perspective); to gain a better understanding of SMEs’ innovation capabilities and practices (the micro-environmental perspective); and to determine the impact of firm’s innovation on the business growth performance of SMEs. The independent variables are externally driven factors (government supported developments, financial resources, academic-industry collaborations, and market dynamics) and internally driven factors (management orientation, organizational culture, technology orientation, alliance and cooperation, and market orientation).  The mediating variable is firm’s innovation and the dependent variable is business growth performance. Drawing upon survey questionnaire data from 330 SMEs (with an acceptable response rate of 98.18%) in the Indonesia market, five research hypotheses are tested using a structural equations modeling technique. The results suggest that: fist, the micro-environmental have a significant influence on firm’s innovation and business growth performance, second, firm’s innovation have a significant influence on business growth performance, finally, the macro-environmental have a non-significant influence on firm’s innovation and business growth performance. This study makes significant contributions. It is believed to be the first empirical research study examining SMEs’ innovativeness and their business growth performance in the emerging Indonesia market. It also extends the business and innovation management literature and has both academic and managerial implications.


Keywords: micro-environmental; macro-environmental; innovativation and business growth performance.

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