Satriyo Wicaksono, Dian Ekowati


In today's dynamic world, organizations must change or get out of business if they are unable to change according to global conditions. One important factor that causes failure in the change process is a human-related problem in dealing with these changes (Lawrence, 1954 cited in Foster, 2008). One strategy of PT Petrokimia Gresik in increasing its competitive advantage is by investing in additional factories, namely the Ammonia-Urea II Plant. Based on the management decision of PT Petrokimia Gresik, the responsibility for maintaining the Ammonia-Urea II Plant was handed over to the Department of Maintenance I by making changes to the organizational structure. With the addition of maintenance responsibilities for the Ammonia-Urea II Plant, it is feared that the new plant maintenance problems will increase, so that there is resistance in the process of changing organizational structures. This research will examined how the resistance of employees during the organizational change process. The results showed that, due to organizational change, most key informants had resistance to changes. Based on qualitative data analysis, this occurs because there is no perception of organizational justice and also because of communication factors that have not been effective in changing the organizational structure of this Plant I Maintenance Department.

Keywords: organizational change, resistance to organizational change, perception of organizational justice, communication.

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