Utilization of emulsion asphalt as binder of asphalt mixture in Aceh province is still minimal. Its use is only as a prime coat and tack coat. Review of the implementation of the work, the use of asphalt emulsion is easier, fuel-efficient and more environmentally friendly than cement asphalt because it requires no warm-up such as mixing cement asphalt. It became the main reason of this research. The research was done in the civil engineering laboratory of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of asphalt concrete mixtures using asphalt emulsion type of CMS-2 as a binder. The Parameter value is Marshall reviewed . The characteristics of the physical properties is reviewed by testing of materials and Marshalls test to mixture material . Gradations of mixture was the group V, which based on the fuller gradation curves. The test obtained asphalt emulsion levels was 5.88% of the weight of the mixture. Asphalt emulsion mixtures marshall parameters generated is stability 660,80 kg, flow 3.23 mm, VIM 5,953%, VFA 73,20% VMA 21,889%, MQ 201,72 kg/mm. All these parameters are eligible for heavy traffic, except stability that did not meet the requirements. Although the parameter is not eligible for heavy traffic, but it still can be used for pavement because of all the Marshall parameters are eligible to moderate traffic.
Teks Lengkap:
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: | bissotek@pnl.ac.id | |
Sekretariat | : | Lantai 2 Gedung Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. |