Syaifuddin Syaifuddin


Most employees of Cut Meutia Public Hospital of Lhokseumawe and patients who visit it still use motor cycle as a mean of transportation. It is because more affordable, cheap and fast to achieve the destination. The big amount of motorcycle causes the need for parking spaces to park the vehicle. Based on the observation in the field, at the certain hours the motor cycle are still difficult to get parking space because of exceeding the parking capacity. Data collected by recording the police number of vehicles and the time vehicles enter and exit from the parking area. The data was needed to show what happens in the form of parking characteristics include; accumulation parking, parking indices, turnover of parking and the need for parking spaces proportional with field conditions. Based on the results, parking space provided currently is not able to accommodate all motor cycles in accordance with the standards of the Directorate General of Land Transportation. Analysis of the parking space requirements to RSUCM indicate that parking space requirements for motorcycles 295 SRP and cars 48 SRP. Therefore the proposed placement of new parking spaces based on two alternatives, namely: a). Car parking area can be placed on the front of the RSUCM complex, while the motor cycles parking area can be placed on on-street parking in the current car parking area, or b). parking area for motor cycles and cars placed on the front of the RSUCM complex, while the current car parking area which is nearby the clinic can be used for the parking of car’s paramedics (specialist) including ambulance.

Keywords: parking, SRP, parking space need

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Sekretariat:Lantai 2 Gedung Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia.