Sistem Informasi Monitoring Pekerjaan Pelayanan Teknis Pada PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Lhokseumawe Berbasis Web

Suci Indah Sari, Muhammad Arhami, Amirullah Amirullah


PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Lhokseumawe has a data management process for monitoring work and materials which is a means of supporting the distribution of electricity. Work is a relationship that involves two parties between the company and workers / employees. Meanwhile, material is a tool used to meet the needs of employees and the community in supporting the distribution of electricity to the community. At PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Lhokseumawe, when collecting data on materials and work, they still use Microsoft Excel. If you pay attention, the system that is running is very insecure, because if the data is lost it cannot be recovered. Therefore, an information system is needed for monitoring technical service work so that the data stored is safeguarded. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based system for monitoring technical service work at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Lhokseumawe. Based on the results of system testing using the Black Box Testing (Boundary Value Analysis) method in which data entry is very accurate, according to function. The results of the research on the monitoring system for technical service work are to assist the PIC (Person In Charge), supervisors and managers in managing material data, work, stock control and reporting in the planning section. Keywords: Monitoring, Materials, Work, PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Lhokseumawe

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