Sistem Antrian Menggunakan QR-Code Pada Klinik Husada Lhoksukon

Muchsalmina Muchsalmina, Mursyidah Mursyidah, Fachri Yanuar Rudi F


This study aims to save patients time in queuing at the clinic. The benefit of this research is to save patient time in the queuing service process, because many patients who queue will cause long queues in the service process, it is not efficient because the time that can be used for resting or other activities is spent waiting. From these problems, a queuing system can be created. This system is equipped with a QR-code, previously Husada clinics used manual queues, this method forced prospective patients to register by going directly to the clinic to collect the queue number at the registration section. This system causes inconvenience to prospective patients because they have to wait a long time to be called according to the queue number sequence. In addition, the clinic's operating hours are not sufficient to serve prospective patients who are going to seek treatment on the day because there are too many patients, this queuing system is expected to save time in the queuing process. The research method used a single channel single phase queuing model. The results of this study, the patient service process takes 5 minutes and the patient's waiting time is 10 minutes, the total patient takes 15 minutes. This research is an application that can be installed on an Android smartphone.

Keywords : QR-Code, Patient, Android, Queue, Clinic

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