Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pelaporan Kendaraan Hilang Pada Polres Kota Lhokseumawe Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : POLRES Lhokseumawe)

Fadhel Irawan, Muhammad Rizka, M Khadafi


The Lhokseumawe Polres has a security section known as reskrim. In the city of Lhoksemawe, there are many cases of vehicle loss, with the number of cases of missing vehicles, the Lhokseumawe Police Criminal Investigation Unit requires a good data management system in order to manage vehicle data so that there are no errors in the process of handling cases of missing vehicle reporting. Currently, the Lhokseumawe Criminal Investigation Unit uses Microsoft Excel to collect data on reporters and to notify vehicle information through mass media such as newspapers. Therefore we need an information system that makes it easier for the criminal investigators and also the reporter. The system that was built aims to facilitate the police in managing data and notification of information about missing vehicles, the system is also equipped with an SMS gateway feature to speed up the police in providing information to the reporter if their vehicle has been found. The result of this research is a website used by the people of Lhokseumawe city in providing reports regarding lost vehicles, this website is also equipped with an sms gateway to make it easier for the police to provide direct information to the reporter if his vehicle has been found.

Keywords— Lhokseumawe Regional Police Station, SMS gateway

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