Rancang Bangun E-Commerce Mengunakan QR-Code pada Perusahaan Retail Berbasis Android
E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) buying and selling activities using advances in ICT technology (Information and Communication Technology), or in other words internet technology. This process makes it easier for sellers to trade using internet media, welcoming the current developments that have not implemented Android-based online buying and selling activities at retail stores in the city of Lhoksukon, so that both buyers and sellers still carry out conventional buying activities. We need a system that can accommodate business owners in selling goods effectively and efficiently. This research aims to create an E-commerce application for goods sellers around Lhoksukon and see the goods that have been received by buyers using QR-Code, the next test is to see network processing speed on android app using devTools flutter and meteor app. An Android-based application that uses streamwork flutter, the Dart programming language with MySQL as a database. The results of testing the network process speed on the Android application have an average processing speed of 2.06 seconds and also validate the receipt of goods to buyers according to the buyer's ID on the QR-Code. So that the information process in the application can make it easier for buyers and sellers to interact with buying and selling and the seller can see that the goods have arrived at the buyer according to their order in the city area of Lhoksukon.
Keywords— E-Commerce Applications, Android, QR-Code, Freamwork Flutter, and MySQL
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