Monitoring Sistem Keluhan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Progressive Web Application Pada Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Aiyatul Mu’in, Muhammad Nasir, Amri Amri, Anwar Anwar


The development of information technology is currently very fast. Human needs in data sources are very important. One of the
current web technologies is a progressive web application. This study aims to design a system that can make it easier for students when
they want to submit complaints about room or laboratory facilities. Usually complaints can be submitted via a suggestion box and a
questionnaire which is only limited to a few questions. Service in the world of education is an important element for creating an academic
atmosphere that is conducive to the implementation of the teaching and learning process in the Department of Information and Computer
Technology. Therefore an application is needed to make it easier for students to submit certain complaints. Based on the above, this study
will build a student complaint monitoring system application using PWA in the Information Technology and Computer department. The
result of this research is that the student complaint system can file complaints not only limited to questions and suggestion boxes but by
uploading files, images, videos, audio along with descriptions. Complaint data that comes from an API (Application Programming
Interface) is then displayed, as long as the network is active. The service worker performs a caching process so that the saved data can be
accessed on an inactive network. Service workers are capable of caching data. Although the execution time required to access the
application is longer due to the installation of the service worker, the application is accessed faster when it is offline because the data is
loaded in the service worker cache. The 72/100 performance score and the PWA aspects of the student complaint application are very good
out of the 10 testing criteria with the percentage score of 91/100.

Keywords - Progressive Web Application, RESTful API, Service Worker, Cache, Laravel, React Js.

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