Aplikasi Virtual Reality Uji Simulasi Kendaraan Bermotor Untuk Pembuatan SIM C Berbasis Mobile

Zulchairi Zulchairi, Husaini Husaini, Hari Toha Hidayat


Virtual reality technology allows a person to simulate an object whose visual presentation is similar to the real world. The
problems that occur regarding this research are the many people who do not know, namely the motor vehicle simulation test for making
SIM C, because of that many people are lazy to go to make SIM C, and people are often confused in driving tests for making SIM C. So
the purpose of building it This virtual reality application performs a motorized vehicle simulation test more specifically so that it can find
out how a motorized vehicle simulation test is to get a SIM C. Through this information media the public can interact directly with virtual
reality applications to find out more interesting and easy to understand simulation tests. The application that is built displays animated
objects and text on the Android mobile in real terms, aims to find out what passes and does not pass when doing this simulation from the
application that has been made. The test is done by playing this simulation, when playing the simulation we have to go with a maximum
speed of 30 kph if it is more than 30 kph then we will be declared to have failed the test and if the rider goes off course or hits the obstacle
it will be declared a failure. So you have to repeat from the beginning and every error is given 2x the opportunity to repeat and if the rider
still fails the 3rd simulation test, the rider is declared to have failed in testing the simulation. If the motorbike rider does not crash and
manages to pass all the obstacles or does not get out of the lane and does not exceed the speed of 30 kph to the finish, he will pass and be
entitled to SIM C. The fps test in the application is to see the application speed on the Android mobile and The average fps at fps is 24 - 64
fps, so from the results of the fps test using Android 1, namely Android 7.0, the test results are from 59.9 fps to 60.1 fps, while from testing
Android 2, namely Android 9.0, the test results are from 59 , 9 to 60.1. In testing this questionnaire we will look for all the total number of
questions by adding them using the Likert scale method and then based on the results of these calculations, the value obtained for all
questions is 81.6%, so it can be concluded that the virtual reality application is a motorized vehicle simulation test for manufacturing. This
mobile-based SIM C is very good when used by users.

Keywords-- Application, Virtual Reality, Gyroscope Sensor, Mobile, Simulation, Likert Scale.

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