Membangun Web Server Sebagai Media Bisnis PT Cipta Puja Mandiri
Web servers are needed by a company as a medium of information as well as a media campaign. The web server is not only for information media but also here the web is used for data storage media and streaming media. Web servers can facilitate employees in getting data or sending data by uploading and downloading it. In this study also discussed the QoS method as a method to measure network speed. The results of the measurement analysis of QoS parameters, network quality during this study the average value obtained from the measurement of network speed using the QoS method when uploading, downloading and streaming with several scenarios categorized very good with the average value obtained throughput = 11927157 bps, Delay = 929 ms, and Jitter = 0. 931 ms.
Keywords: Server , Web Server ,QoS,.
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