Rancang Bangun E-Commerce Inpres Market Kota Lhokseumawe Berbasis Web
A sale and purchase transaction is a transaction made by a seller who offers merchandise to an agreed buyer at a certain
price. Buying and selling transactions can now be done online with the development of internet technology, e-commerce is one of the uses
of internet technology in the business field. Inpres Market of Lhokseumawe City is the largest sales center in the city of Lhokseumawe, so
there are many buying and selling transactions that result in vehicle congestion, because road access is getting narrower with lots of
illegal parking on the road and a lot of time is wasted due to this congestion. Therefore, research is conducted to design and build a system
that can be used as a medium for buying and selling transactions online. The system can help buyers shop for groceries without having to
come directly to the market, after the buyer places an order, the order will be prepared by the seller, then the order is packed by the clerk,
and the order will be sent by a working courier. Items sold in this system include vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, vegetable protein, herbs
and spices. This system was built using the Codeigniter Framework and the Sequential Search algorithm as a data search method . The
results achieved in this study are the e-commerce system can expand the reach of the seller's market, make it easier for buyers to shop
without having to come directly to the market, and buyers can receive realtime order process status starting from ordering to shipping
Keywords—Transactions, Inpres Market of Lhokseumawe City, E-commerce, Codeigniter Framework, Sequential Search Algorithm
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