Karakteristik Kimia Dan Akseptabilitas Set Yogurt Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L) Dengan Variasi Waktu Inkubasi

Muhammad Faisal


Red guava has high levels of vitamin C among other fruits such as papaya and Siamese oranges which can be used as a source of vitamin C requirements and has a distinctive color. This research aims to determine the length of incubation time and the comparison of the concentration of red guava juice with cow's milk on the chemical characteristics and acceptability of the yogurt set, comparing it with SNI Yogurt and determining the best chemical characteristics and acceptability. The experimental design used was a descriptive method by calculating the average value and standard deviation with treatment A1 = (50% cow's milk: 50% red guava juice), A2 = (60% cow's milk: 40% red guava juice), and A3 = (40% Cow's milk: 60% Red guava juice) for incubation time treatment B1 = (4.5 hours), B2 = (5.5 hours), B3 = (6.5 hours), and B4 = (7.5 hours). The results showed that the length of incubation time and the ratio of concentrations of red guava juice to cow's milk had an effect on chemical characteristics and acceptability. The lactic acid content produced is in accordance with the 2009 SNI yogurt range, namely 0.5-2.0% and acceptability of sour/distinctive taste, normal/distinctive aroma and thick liquid texture. Treatment A3 (40% cow's milk: 60% red guava juice) B2 (incubation time 5.5 hours) produced chemical characteristics (lactic acid content 0.88% and vitamin C content 152.84 mg/100g) and the best acceptability with a color hedonic value of 4 .24 (neutral), taste 3.92 (neutral), aroma 3.40 (neutral), texture 3.64 (neutral) and total acceptance 3.28 (somewhat like).

Kata Kunci

Comparison, incubation, time, lactic acid, vitamin C, acceptability

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30811/ristera.v2i2.5463


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