Analysis of posture and level of complaints in the Aceh coffee brewing process for the design of work tools planning

Sri Sri Rahmawati, Iskandar Hasanuddin, Nur Izzaty, Salis Haikal


The people of Aceh are known as coffee lovers. One of the advantages of serving Aceh coffee is the traditional blend process using human labor. Aceh coffee brewing is made manually brewing 5-7 times. This brewing process is believed to affect the quality of taste offered, where the higher the filter is removed, the better the quality of the coffee will be. It is known that workers at Zakir Coffee Shop can make an average of 270-320 Aceh filter coffee cups a day. Work posture in this process is carried out with 4-5 repetitions with a load of> 3 kg by standing position. The data in the study were taken from 5 Zakir Aceh coffee shops with 10 respondents. The method used is the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, that used to assess work posture and investigate disorders of the upper limbs. The second is the Nordic Body Map (NBM), to find out the parts of the muscles that are experiencing complaints. The research aids used are roll meter, digital camera, and stopwatch. The result of this research is an analysis of 3 work postures where work posture 1 is on the action scale 4 for the right and left limbs, work postures 2 and 3 are on the action scale 3 and 4 for the right and left limbs. The suggestion proposed to reduce worker complaints is to design a tool that can perform movements such as the required work posture. The main dimensions of the tools that are planned are based on the dimensions of the workers' bodies used in the coffee brewing process, 9.6 cm palms and 11.6 cm soles.


Aceh coffee brewing process, RULA, NBM, design of work tools

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