Karakterisasi Paduan Pcl (Polycaprolactone), Pla (Polylactid Acid), Bentonit Dan Kitosan Nanokomposit

Mukhsin Mukhsin


Abstrak— Polylactid Acid (PLA) dan Polycaprolactone (PCL) yang sifatnya biodegradasi, bersifat kaku, sangat hidrofobik, proses biodegradasi yang lambat dan memiliki kepekaan terhadap aktivitas mikroba. PCL dan PLA dapat bercampur dengan polimer lain seperti kitosan dan bentonit nanokomposit yang diproses  melalui modifikasi mampu menjadikan polimer lebih lentur dan mempercepat degradasi . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari pencampuran antara PCL,PLA dengan filler Bentonit, dan Kitosan dengan menggunakan metode pemanasan pada suhu 170 o C dengan variasi filler  3%, 5%, dan 8% wt. Penambahan filler bentonit dan kitosan kedalam polimer PCL dan PLA dapat mempengaruhi sifat mekanik material. Kuat tarik yang dihasilkan oleh polimer paduan PCL,PLA,bentonit dan Kitosan ialah 12,81 Mpa (sampel F28) dan semakin menurun dengan ditambahkkannya konsentrasi filler, penrunan yang dihasilkan mendekati kesetaraan. Karakteristik polimer dengan adanya penambhan kitosan dan bentonit menghasilkan polimer yang lebh lentur dan lebih kuat dari paduan PCL/PLA. Struktur morfologi komposit menunjukkan keberadaan molekul yang semakin meninkat sehingga mempengaruhi sifat mekanik seperti kuat tarik dari komposit. Kerusakan fisik polimer belum terlihat selama 3 minggu dan hanya menunjukkan perubahan warna yang semakin menguning akibat interaksi dengan lingkungan.

Kata kunci— Bentonit, Kitosan, Polylactid Acid, Polycaprolactone,.


Abstract— Polylactid Acid (PLA) and Polycaprolactone (PCL) which are biodegradable, rigid, highly hydrophobic, slow biodegradation process and sensitivity to microbial activity. PCL and PLA can be mixed with other materials such as chitosan and bentonite nanocomposites which can be used to make polymers more flexible and accelerate degradation. This study aims to see the effect of mixing between PCL, PLA with Bentonite, and Chitosan filler using heating method at 170 oC with filler 3%, 5%, and 8% wt. Addition of bentonite and chitosan fillers to PCL and PLA polymers can affect the mechanical properties of the material. Tensile strength produced by PIKG like PCL, PLA, bentonite and chitosan which is 12.81 Mpa (sample F28) and decreases with the addition of filler concentration, yield produced before equality. Characteristics of polymers with the addition of chitosan and bentonite produce a more flexible polymer and are stronger than PCL / PLA. The morphological structure used to identify the elements that increase the influence of mechanical properties such as the tensile strength of the composite. The physical damage of the polymer has not been seen for 3 weeks and only colors can turn yellow due to interaction with the environment.

Keywords— Bentonit, Kitosan, Polylactid Acid, Polycaprolactone,.

 Abstract— Polylactid Acid (PLA) and Polycaprolactone (PCL) which are biodegradable, rigid, highly hydrophobic, slow biodegradation process and sensitivity to microbial activity. PCL and PLA can be mixed with other materials such as chitosan and bentonite nanocomposites which can be used to make polymers more flexible and accelerate degradation. This study aims to see the effect of mixing between PCL, PLA with Bentonite, and Chitosan filler using heating method at 170 oC with filler 3%, 5%, and 8% wt. Addition of bentonite and chitosan fillers to PCL and PLA polymers can affect the mechanical properties of the material. Tensile strength produced by PIKG like PCL, PLA, bentonite and chitosan which is 12.81 Mpa (sample F28) and decreases with the addition of filler concentration, yield produced before equality. Characteristics of polymers with the addition of chitosan and bentonite produce a more flexible polymer and are stronger than PCL / PLA. The morphological structure used to identify the elements that increase the influence of mechanical properties such as the tensile strength of the composite. The physical damage of the polymer has not been seen for 3 weeks and only colors can turn yellow due to interaction with the environment.

Keywords— Bentonit, Kitosan, Polylactid Acid, Polycaprolactone,.

Teks Lengkap:



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