Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Cair Pencuci Pakaian bagi Ibu-ibu Desa Meunasah Blang Punteut Kecamatan Blang Mangat Pemko Lhokseumawe

Zaimahwati Zaimahwati


This IPTEKS Implementation Program with the title "Training on Making Laundry Washing Liquid Soap for Women in Meunasah Blang Punteut Village". This washing liquid soap is one of the small scale household businesses but has great potential because the consumption needs of liquid laundry soap are quite high including for household and laundry clothing. Now the existence of colek soap has begun to be displaced by the presence of liquid soap. Since the existence of liquid soap to wash clothes, many people switch to using liquid soap for practical and quick reasons, because it is liquid so it is more soluble in water and produces abundant foam without leaving a trace. The problem faced by partners/communities is that there are still many housewives who do not know what to do to support the addition of their family's economy. Therefore, this community service activity aims to increase knowledge and increase the income of the community by making an effort to make their own laundry liquid soap for household use. The stages carried out in the implementation of this community service are the preparatory approach stage, the training stage of the material to be given to the training participants in the training material in the form of theory, and the stage of conducting the evaluation. From this activity, it can be concluded that each group has been able to make liquid soap washing clothes correctly and the method of mixing is also appropriate.

Kata Kunci

liquid soap, soap, training

Teks Lengkap:



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