Pelatihan Instalasi dan Konfigurasi Tampilan Papan Informasi Running Text berbasis Jaringan WIFI di Gampong Uteunkot Kota Lhokseumawe

Aidi Finawan, Yusman Yusman


—Gampong information for the community at this time is an important thing in this information age. Information can be conveyed through various media, such as bulletin boards, and announcements through loudspeakers. This information media must be able to convey information and be accessed effectively and efficiently. One of the information media innovations is in the form of running text using LED matrix. The information media that are used at Gampong Uteunkot to convey information to the community at this time still use a lot of paper media that is posted on the bulletin boards or conveyed through loudspeakers. Information conveyed through paper media often does not cause special attention to access it. While information conveyed through loudspeakers is not repeated, so there are people who do not get the information conveyed. There is not yet an effective public information media available, which is a problem that exists in the Uteunkot Village. In the application of science and technology, four operators were trained to be able to manage village information well and efficiently. It is also expected that training participants can develop creativity to be able to produce a running text information board for various business needs. Five participants who were trained showed that their ability to understand the training material varied, but their evaluation scores obtained an average above 80. This showed that their ability was good to configure the running text information board. The resulting information board has been installed at the Geuchik Gampong Uteunkot Office, Lhokseumawe

Kata Kunci

effective information media, multi-line display

Teks Lengkap:



BPS Lhokseumawe, “Kecamatan Muara Dua dalam Angka 2018,” Lhokseumawe. [2] A. Finawan, M. Syahroni, Yusman, and Muhaimin, “Pelatihan Perakitan dan Pemrograman serta Pemasangan Papan InformasiI Running Text berbasis Jaringan WIFI di Gampong Alue Lim Kota Lhokseumawe,” 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 62–65.


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