Pelatihan Peningkatan Skill Perawatan dan Perbaikan TV LED Bagi Siswa SMK Karya Beringin Kota Lhokseumawe

Usmardi Usmardi


Beringin Vocational School is one of the private Vocational Schools in Lhokseumawe City. As a private sector with limited laboratory, but student competency must not be low. Problems such as limited teacher skills and limited laboratory equipment will cause students' skills and skills to be low. The target training activities of this activity are: improving students' competencies and skills. The method in this activity is divided into 2 (two), namely: theory and practice of the maintenance and repair of LED TVs. Time allocation for theory is 40% and time allocation for practice is 60% of the total time provided, namely 10 meetings. The results obtained are an increase in student skills where before training the average value of the theory 50 increased to 90 after training. And the value of practice before training is 40 and increased to 90 after training.

Kata Kunci

Student Skills; Care and Repair; LED Television; theoretical and practical methods.

Teks Lengkap:



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