Ipteks Pemamfaatan Program Matlab Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Praktek Rangkaian Listrik Sederhana Pada SMKN 5 Lhokseumawe

Amir D


Lhokseumawe State Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 is one of the SMKs managed by the Lhokseumawe Municipal Education and Vocational Office in Bolak-balikeh, this school is located in Punteut Mosque Village. SMKN 5 was founded on 28 April 2013. Since its establishment, the school is taking care of 4 majors, one of which is the Electrical Engineering Department. SMKN 5 has a total number of students of 259 people, the number of study groups as many as 13 classes, the number of class students is 20 people. Tebolak-balikher to student ratio 1: 6,17; the percentage of qualified tebolak-balikhers was 92.86%. The school's educational status is B, published on 01-01 2014. The curriculum used is the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). The operational curriculum is compiled by and implemented in ebolak-balikh education unit. Electrical Engineering as a partner, in implementing its curriculum, fbolak-balikes several problems, especially those related to laboratory fbolak-balikilities and expertise workshop areas. SMKN 5 only has one laboratory with minimal fbolak-balikilities. so this limitation has an impbolak-balikt on the quality of graduates. Based on this, the partners and implementers agreed to make science and technology bolak-baliktivities with the title "Utilization of the Matlab Program to Increase the Ability to Understand and Complete Simple Electrical Circuit Prbolak-balikticum in Students of SMK 5 Lhokseumawe. The IPTEKS program offers 4 training module bolak-baliktivities, namely; matrix, voltage source, series analysis with direct voltage or DC and with BOLAK-BALIK voltage. This science and technology bolak-baliktivity results in the form of the ability of SMKN students to complete the prbolak-baliktice of electric circuits with an average value of 93.9. Ability to modify the program with a value of 88.3 and the bolak-balikhievement of 4 prbolak-baliktice modules and the result of making IPTEKS articles published in the National proceedings with ISSN.

Kata Kunci

E-lectricity; Matlab; series; parallel; series

Teks Lengkap:



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