Pelatihan Perakitan Sound Sistem Masjid Untuk Remaja Masjid Al-Bayan Komplek Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Zulfikar Zulfikar


This activity aims to provide knowledge of practical skills to the youth of the mosque in the campus environment and the surrounding youth of the mosque in the hope that they will be trained specifically in the field of assembling the mosque's sound system and motivated and confident with the knowledge they have. With this activity it is hoped that they will have skills. The method used in this activity is a form of material study and training provided, namely theory and practice carried out at the Syura Mosque enclosure for 3 days where the average working hours are 4 hours per day starting at 014.00 to finish 18.00, with the number of trainees 6 (six) people. The results of the evaluation before the skills training of the average participant with a score of 5.20 means less ability. After the implementation of the training the ability to improve, from the evaluation results the participants had an average value of 8.55 meaning that it could be stated that the trainees already had the ability to assemble the mosque's sound system

Kata Kunci

soundsystem, mixer, training, mosque, youth

Teks Lengkap:



Hasbullah, 2010, Implementasi Life Skill Bagi Remaja Putus sekolah dalam Bidang Teknologi Informasi Berbasis Kewirausahaan di Pangalengan Kabupaten Bandung, Jurusan Teknik Elektro FPTK UPI, Bandung. [2] Moerdiyanto, 2012, Perluasan Implementasi Pendidikan kewirausahaan Model project Based Learning Bagi Remaja Putus Kekolah Korban Gempa, Jurnal Economia, Volume 8, Nomor 1.


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