Diversifikasi Produk “Engkot Payeh Lunak” Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Perekkonomian Kelompok Gampong Alue Bu Tuha Kecamatan Peurlak Barat Aceh Timur

Suri Purnama Febri


 The proposed community service activity will produce a product Engkot Payeh Lunak for groups as an effort to improve the economy. Product Engkot Payeh Lunak this will be marketed by the group to several locations in East Aceh. At the end of the training period for making soft grass loans, the business group will be taught how to start independent entrepreneurs by utilizing natural resources that are around the location of residence. The main target of this activity is the PKK group in Alue Bu Tuha Village, Peureulak Barat District, East Aceh, which later will become a home-scale business group and can become souvenirs typical of Bu Tuha Village. This activity will be carried out for 6 months. The method used to achieve the goal is to use a direct approach, lecture and practice. At the end of this dedication activity, further evaluation and planning will be carried out for the management of small scale household industries so that local entrepreneurial groups can be formed as the main producers of soft payeh crank in the East Aceh area.

Kata Kunci

Engkot payeh lunak, entrepreneurship, PKK, Alue Bu Tuha

Teks Lengkap:



[BPS] Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh Timur. 2018. Kecamatan Peureulak Barat Dalam Angka. BPS Aceh Timur


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