Pelatihan Olahan Karbohidrat Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pangan Sehat Di Desa Alue Awe : Pembuatan Mie Rute Non Soda

Eka Kurniasih


The target audience in this activity were housewives, who were the foremost pawns in a house related to healthy food that would be provided at home. This training was based on the concerns of the proposing team regarding the large amount of food and foodstuffs which contained many food additives, including noodles. The level of consumption of noodles was in the second sequence number after rice for the Aceh region. This was related to the culture and habits of the people who were very fond of consuming noodles. Even though, in the process of noodles making, the addition of soda ash was carried out and its chemical formula was Na2CO3 which functions as a noodle thickener and as preservative. Other additives which may be added such as formalin, borax, synthetic dyes and synthetic antioxidants and others. Based on this condition, the proposing team conducted training on carbohydrate processing (especially noodles) of the non-soda route which was healthier, so it could be consumed by families. Based on the measurement of activities, it is known that 90% of the target audience had been educated about food additives, and 100% of the target audience had been skilled at making non-soda route noodles and processed noodles.

Kata Kunci

food additives; carbohydrat; noodles; preservative; soda ash

Teks Lengkap:



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