Pelatihan Pembuatan Ecobrick dari Limbah Plastik Sebagai Struktur Ramah Lingkungan untuk Kelompok Masyarakat Desa Alue Lim

Selvie Diana


Alue Lim Village is the location of the Final Processing Site of various types of waste from the city of Lhokseumawe, some people have a fairly good level of work and education. However, some teenagers have considerable interests and needs to acquire skills that can be used to actualize self-development and become something that can benefit society. One of the skills that will be requested is training in making ecobricks from plastic bottles that can be used alone. The products produced are some environmentally friendly structures that can be used as a number of materials such as structures, tables, fences and others. The method used is to remove plastic bottles and plastic bags as fillers. Next the plastic bottle opens a compacted plastic bag. After compaction, the bottles can be combined using adhesive and installed into a structure or various useful materials. One 1200 mL capacity mineral bottle can be filled with 400 grams of plastic the size of an instant noodle package or around 400 sheets of compacted plastic packaging so it is very effective in reducing plastic waste. The results of this activity were obtained by products of tables, chairs and several ecobricks modules that could be utilized for participants. By representing this activity contributing thoughts, knowledge, technology related to the development of the use of plastic waste becomes more useful and can be used for daily needs and reduce the effects of environmental pollution

Kata Kunci

ecobricks, waste, plastic, material, pollution

Teks Lengkap:



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