Pembuatan Mie Pelangi Menggunakan Buah Bit Wortel dan Sawi Sebagai Zat Warna Alami di Dusun E Desa Uteun Kot Kota Lhokseumawe

Faridah Faridah


The making of rainbow noodles has been carried out in Hamlet E, Uteun Kot Village, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe
City. Hamlet E is a residential area located next to the Chinese grave of Lhokseumawe City. Most people in the area are in poor
condition. This training is aimed at housewives and teenagers of the mosque, where they experience limitations in terms of knowledge
and skills in making rainbow noodles. This activity offers training on making rainbow noodles to these residents, so that with this
activity can help residents in skills and can do entrepreneurship. Rainbow noodles are made from flour, eggs and water which are then
kneaded and ground lengthwise. Not only in terms of nutrition but need variations from various things. One variation is the provision
of more attractive colors. Coloring can be in the form of adding vegetable extracts. Vegetable extract added to food can give a purple
color obtained from beets, green color from mustard greens and a yellow color from carrot. Giving this vegetable extract not only
provides a more attractive color but adds nutritional value. In addition this activity can later create entrepreneurial opportunities for
the community, especially the poor who are in hamlet E village Uteun Kot Lhokseumawe City. With this training can provide knowledge
and skills in diversification of food will, as well as provide a new picture of the entrepreneur Rainbow noodles. From the results of this
training 95% of the participants were able and able to make rainbow noodles.

Kata Kunci

Noodles, rainbow, beets, carrot, mustard green, training

Teks Lengkap:



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