Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Piring Cair Sebagai Salah Satu Unit Usaha BUMG pada Gampong Meunasah Mesjid Punteut Kecamatan Blang Mangat Lhokseumawe

Kheriah Kheriah, Yulianisah Yulianisah, Rusydi Rusydi, Yenni Irawan


Training on making liquid dish soap as one of the BUMG business units in the meunasah mesjid punteut, Blangmangat,
Lhokseumawe city, is one alternative business that can be run by housewives to increase family income. The raw materials used in the
manufacturing process such as vegetable star fruit, and banana skin pulp are also easily obtained considering the plant is easy to breed
in the village. The focus of implementation on this program is 20 housewives who do not work. The results of activity are in the form of
liquid dishwashing soap that has been packaged and then accommodatet by BUMG, and BUMG will register the liquid dishwashing
brand as a collective brand, which is a gampong- owned brand that can increase the income of the gampong community. The method
of implementation is done by teaching how to make liquid soap through modules and demonstrations. Monitoring and evaluation of
activities carried out by assessing the understanding of procedures for making liquid dish washing soap

Kata Kunci

liquid dishwashing soap, vegetable star fruit, and banana peel

Teks Lengkap:



Kartasasmita. Ginanjar, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Melalui

Kemitraan, 2021.

Abdullah. Arifin, Kreasi Ekonomi Modern. Jakarta: Andi Publisher.

Akbar. Murni, Cara Membuat Sabun Cair, 2018.


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