Pelatihan Pembuatan Tanaman Hidroponik sebagai Usaha Keluarga bagi Masyarakat Desa Gleumpang Meujim-Jim Kecamatan Juli Kabupaten Bireuen

Intan C Intan


Hydroponics system is one of the technology to grow crops without using soil, but utilizes other planting media, such as rock
wool, cork, and others by utilizing water circulation to channel nutrients to plant roots. Yields of vegetables with a hydroponic system
in general have better quality, fresh, hygienic and can be categorized into organic vegetables because they do not use harmful pesticides
on the market can reach 3 to 4 times the price of vegetables with conventional systems, so that hydroponic vegetables are very suitable
to be used family business. This training activity aims to introduce current agricultural technology to the people of Bireuen, particularly
the Gleumpang Meujim-Jim Village, July District in the hope that this technology can develop and become an option for producing
quality vegetable products. The hydroponic system has several nutrient flow systems, such as wick systems that are usually used for
study or beginners, Nutrient Flow Technique (NFT) with thin and continuous nutrient flow and Deep Flow Technique (DFT). The
results of this activity have provided new knowledge to partners related to the latest agricultural technology, especially suitable to grow
vegetables with a hydroponic system and have a positive impact on people's perceptions. Public perception before getting the
introduction and training of vegetable hydroponic business showed that growing vegetables with a hydroponic system was an expensive
and difficult technology to do, but this perception changed after they joined this effort and increased their interest in trying to grow
vegetables with the system. This training has a positive impact on partners and partners request further training to help them improve
their business productivity..

Kata Kunci

Hydroponi, system, vegetables, wick, DFT, NFT

Teks Lengkap:



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