Pemanfaatan Limbah Air Kelapa sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair

Suryati Suryati


Based on the situation analysis, the problem of Blang Awe villagers is that the community often has difficulty getting
subsidized fertilizer, the price of expensive non-subsidized fertilizers, the community does not yet know how to make organic fertilizer
that is easy, cheap and safe for plants. The science and technology activities for the community are aimed at the community being able
to make liquid organic fertilizer from coconut water waste and washing water to fulfill fertilizer needs independently so as to save
operational costs and not depend on subsidized fertilizers anymore. The training material discussed in this activity is about making
organic liquid fertilizer by utilizing coconut water waste and rice washing water waste with fermentation method which will be delivered
in full, starting from the definition of organic fertilizer, the benefits of organic fertilizer, preparation of tools and materials,
manufacturing practices and application fertilizer on plants. After doing a research, it was found that the trainees were able to make
liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing coconut water waste

Kata Kunci

Liquid Organic Fertilizer, POC, Coconut Water

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