Rancang Bangun Digester Biogas Berbasis Torn Air Untuk Kemandirian Energi Bagi Masyarakat Pedesaan: Studi Kasus di Desa Lamtadok Kecamatan Darul Kamal Aceh Besar

Fachrul Razi, Novia Mehra Erfiza, Suparno Suparno, Yusnan Yusnan, Umi Fathanah


Lamtadok, a small village located in Darul Kamal District Aceh Besar Regency is an agrarian village, which is situated
next to Bukit Barisan Mountains. The main income of the villagers is from farming and raising livestock, especially cattle. To meet
energy needs, especially cooking daily food, the villagers used 3 kg LPG and firewood sourced from the forests around the village. The
road access, in general, is still in the form of hardened land, causing difficulty in transportation, which also impacts on the supply of
subsidized 3 kg LPG. Besides that, the extensive use of firewood can interfere with forest sustainability. Through this community
service program, socialization and counselling have been carried out to increase community knowledge about the potential of biomass
waste from cattle manure as a raw material for biogas. The partnership has provided with technical training on torn water-based
biogas digester design. Torn water-based biogas digesters have chosen because they are relatively inexpensive, easily modified and
have relatively long usage periods. The purpose of this community service program is to increase the knowledge and skills of
community service partners in designing biogas digesters, and partners can independently build a biogas system. This program
expects that service partners can fulfil their daily energy needs independently.

Kata Kunci

biomass potency, cow dung, water-torn, biogas digester, alternative energy

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