Pelatihan Tata Boga Bagi Usaha Rumahan untuk Ibu-Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Meunasah Manyang Kota Lhokseumawe

Jamilah Jamilah


This IPTEK application program is entittled : Culinary Art Training for home-based bussiness for housewives in Meunasah
Manyang village, Lhokseumawe city. Based on the initial survey, it was found that the villagers of Meunasah Panyang still lacked insight
in utilizing technology, including housewives. As a result, there still many housewives that don’t have any job that can help increase
their family income. That is due to their lacks of expertise and skills to do something that could generate income. it must be recognized
that skills need to be learned and practiced in order to be applied. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to motivate housewives
in Meunasah Panyang’s village as the partner to carry out activities that can help them to increase their family income by making a
creative work. The outcomes to be achieved through this variety of snack making training are : (a) to produce a module that can be
used as a guide in making various snacks, (b) partners are able to create a variety of snacks that can be marketed skillfully (c)
to increase family income with entrepreneurship that produces a variety of snacks (d) to marketing the work of society through online
media (d) to publish the results of training in scientific journals. The stage carried on this program are: (a) the preparatory approach
stage, (b) the guidance and training stage: the material that used for the trainees is in theory, and (c) the evaluation stage. The results
of this program can be concluded that groups 1 to group 5 succeed in 100%. It can be concluded that each group has made various
snacks very well.

Kata Kunci

training, IRT, Cullinary Art, Culinary, home-based

Teks Lengkap:



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