Peningkatan Keterampilan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Dengan Prezi Presenter Bagi Guru Dayah Modern Ihyaaussunnah Kota Lhokseumawe

Aswandi Aswandi


Per the development of science and technology today, all people can get information anywhere and anytime quickly and
easily from various sources and places in the world. The development of this science and technology is widely available tools that can
use for the development of computer-based learning media are still few who use it. The problem encountered at the partner place is
that there are still many teachers who deliver only lectures and sit in front of the class. This happens because of the lack of a teacher's
ability to use instructional media. If this is left unchecked, the implications are for the success of the learning activities was achieved.
This training activity aims to provide knowledge and skills and develop interactive learning media with presenter presenters. Training
on developing interactive learning media with presenters using the Research and Development (R&D) method with 4D (Four-D)
development procedures. The development of interactive learning media is carried out by training modern dayah ihyaaussunnah
lhokseumawe city teachers as trial subjects totaling 15 people. Then the training instruments used were questionnaire validation of
material, media, abilities, and teaches skills improvement. The products produced by the teachers are in the form of Prezi applications
using the “exe” format. The results of the development of interactive learning media development based on the validation and reliability
test which states that after training the ability of teachers there has been an increase in skills from the initial ability before training by
48.00% categorized as Validity (sufficient) with a reliability of 66% classified as moderate Reliability experienced significant change.
After training the ability of teachers to be 87.90% categorized as Very High with 86% reliability categorized as very high Reliability.
The conclusion that can a drawn from the test results is that there has been an increase in the skills of interactive learning media using
the presenter Prezi is very appropriate to being used as a learning medium in school.

Kata Kunci

Science and Technology, Learning media, Prezi presenter, R&D, Four-D.

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