Penggunaan Ragi Komersial dan Lama Fermentasi terhadap Kadar Air, pH dan Total Cell Counts (TCC) Pliek u

Dewi Yunita


Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the plantation crops. In 2017 the total area of coconut plantations is 101,642 ha with a total production of 62,832 tons. In general, young coconut is used as a drink while old coconut is used as vegetable coconut (coconut milk) and coconut oil. One way or method of making coconut oil traditionally by the Acehnese people is through the fermentation process. In the manufacture of coconut oil produced byproducts in the form of dregs called pliek u. Pliek u is one of the special spices for Acehnese cuisine. This study aims to examine the process of optimizing the process of making crude oil, pliek u oil and pliek u with variations in the type of starter culture, the combination and the duration of fermentation as well as assessing its effect on the yield and quality of simplah oil, pliek u oil and pliek udregs. The study was conducted using a factorial randomized block design with factors of type of starter culture (R). The type of starter culture consists of 4 levels, namely tapeyeast (R1), tempe mold (R2), combination tape yeast and tempe mold(R3), control (R4) and fermentation time factor (H) with 3 levels namely 1 day (H1), 2 days (H2) and 3 days (H3). The analysis carried out was a water content, pH test and total cell counts (TCC) of the sample. The test results show that the type of starter culture has a very significant effect (P≤0.01) on the water content, pH, and total cell counts (TCC) of the resulting pliek u dregs. Pliek u dregs obtained have an average water content of 22.76%, pH of 4.58, and a total cell counts (TCC) of 8.53 x 106 CFU / g.

Kata Kunci

pH; water content; total cell counts; pliek u; optimization; fermentation time.

Teks Lengkap:



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