Analisa Korelasi Antara Rugi Propagasi Gelombang Radio Broadcast dalam Ruang Terhadap perubahan Dimensi Volume Ruang

Amir D


Radio wave propagation loss is the process of decreasing the radio wave power level at the receiver caused by changes in the Tx-Rx distance, multipath fading, radio channel environment, Floor Attenuation Factor. Another factor, allegedly caused by the influence of large-volume space. This conjecture is based on the theory which states that the magnitude of the electric field that propagates in a space, is the circumferential integral of the magnitude of the volume density charge and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance where the energy is emitted. How many dimensions of the volume of matter and space contribute to radio wave propagation loss, will be explained in this article. Observation of propagation loss using the unmodulated carrier method. In this method, the transmitter sends radio waves without modulation at a frequency of 89.3 MHz. transmit power of 15 dBm. Power fluctuations are measured at the receiving end, to calculate the magnitude of propagation losses, also the distribution of the volume of objects and the volume of space. To find out if there is a strong relationship between changes in the volume of objects in space and the volume of space, statistical analysis of path loss and correlation analysis are used. There are 3 samples in this measurement, all of them have an object volume of 22 m3, 16,581 m3 and 7,432 m3. Propagation losses in all 3 spaces are -15,0003 dBm, -5,0015 dBm and -15,0001 dBm. The results of the calculation of correlations in the 3 spaces are known to be 0.254; 0.337 and 0.403. Values of 0.245 and 0.337 indicate that changes in the volume of objects have a weak relationship to propagation loss, while 0.403 indicates that the relationship is moderate. On the other hand, changes in spatial volume to the effect of propagation losses have a correlation of 0.446. This value indicates that changes in the volume of space have a moderate relationship to the loss of propagation.

Kata Kunci

wave; correlation; level; propagation; radio; volume

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