Desain Plant Instrumentasi Industri Berbasis SCADA

Azhar Azhar, Rusli Rusli


Needs a plant simulation-based industries intrumentation SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is indispensable in understanding, designing and building a system of process control in the industry. The SCADA system is designed to perform supervision, control and data acquisition process input/output at a plant instrumentation industry. The application of SCADA system in the industry has been widely applied as in the mining industry, energy, chemical and transportation. Plant simulation industry was developed using software Vijeo Citect. Plant simulation is developed it is plant process simulation water pumping. Design of the simulation of industrial processes instrumentation plant water pumping, using 2 (two) methods i.e. configuration and method of making plant simulation. From the results of the simulation of process instrumentation plant design water pumping show that steps have to be done i.e. configuration cluster, network addressing, alarm server, trend server, report server, I/O server, express I/O device, variable tags, alarm digital, system user and the creation of graphics. On the simulation of industrial processes instrumentation plant water pumping this water simulation method using "system" means software Vijeo Citect dated without being connected to the hardware, such as PLC Modicon Premium TX.

Kata Kunci

Industrial instrumentation, industrial process control; SCADA; Plant simulation industry and Vijeo Citect

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