Metode Komponen Simetris Untuk Perhitungan Alliran Daya Tak Seimbang Pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik

Nazaruddin Nazaruddin


This paper aims to calculate the power flow for unbalanced load conditions using the symmetric component method. Unbalanced loading occurs due to power demand by consumers of each phase is not the same, this happens because the power consumption of each customer is not the same. Unbalanced load flow is a study of power distribution for unbalanced load conditions which will give an overview of the voltage, phase angle, current, power and losses conditions for each bus in each phase a, b and c. Thecalculation of power flow for unbalanced loads uses the symmetric component method by breaking down the unbalanced three phase system vector into a balanced three phase system. Computing will be done using the Matlab software which will be tested on the IEEE 5 bus system. The results of the calculation of unbalanced load flow illustrate the condition of each bus per phase. Computation hasconvergence at 31st iteration with bus 1 as a reference bus (slack bus) supplying power of 78.75 MW for phase a, 51.34 MW for phaseb and 42.49 MW for phase c. The IEEE 5 bus system has the largest voltage drop occurs bus number 5 which is 6.74%, 4.13%, and 3.36% respectively for phases a, b and c. The biggest power losses occurred in the channel connecting bus 1 to bus 3 that was 5.56%,3.49% and 2.86% respectively for phases a, b and c.

Kata Kunci

power flow; load; unbalanced; computation

Teks Lengkap:



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