Pembuatan Aplikasi Resep Makanan Tradisional Indonesia Berbasis Android MengunakanMetode Generate and Test Untuk Pencarian

Amri Amri, Safwati Safwati


Cooking requires a knowledge in terms of preparing and processing ingredients that can be used as food that is beneficial to humans, therefore it is necessary to eat recipes that can help in preparing food ingredients, how to make and how to serve it to produce with taste delicious, delicious and interesting. Cooking recipes have been obtained from generation to generation from our parents, but sometimes not all food recipes can be known because of a lack of knowledge due to lack of information on certain food recipes, especially traditional food recipes that have begun to be forgotten along with the presence of modern food recipes . In the case of traditional food is the food down from our ancestors and is no less delicious and delicious with modern food. But the current flow of information makes modern food a step further than traditional food. Therefore it is necessary to have an information system that can inform these traditional food recipes in order to help Indonesian traditional food lovers.

Teks Lengkap:



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