Studi Karakterisasi dan Selektifitas Membran Mikrofilter Berbahan Dasar Clay-Zeolit Teraktivasi Asam-Basa Berdasarkan Parameter Senyawa Organik Air Gambut

E Elfiana, Anwar Fuadi


Abstract— The development of natural-based inorganic membrane technology has become popuelr in the colored and smelly water treatment industry like peat water. This study uses a mixture of zeolite (Z), clay (CL) and white Portland cement (CW) as a membrane raw material with a uniform particle size of 100 mesh, composition Z:Cl:CW = 25%:50%:25%, using the sintering method at 700 0C. This study aims to determine the membrane selectivity resulting from the influence of the type of acid-base activator on zeolite and clay activation on membrane performance in removing organic compounds from peat water. The study was carried out by activating zeolite and clay separately using activators HCl and NaOH at 2M concentrations as the basis for making membranes. The results of membrane characteristics test made from activated NaOH 2M obtained density 1.44 gr / cm 3, porosity (ɸ) 41.28% and membrane pore size 1.56µm
using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). While the results of the test characteristics of the membrane made from HCl 2M activation obtained a density of 1.41 gr/cm 3, porosity (ɸ) 38.77%, and the pore size of the membrane 1.06µm. Based on the test results obtained by the membrane characteristics classified in the type of microfilter membrane. To find out the membrane selectivity based on peat water organic compound parameters, it is known through the performance test of the microfilter membrane by cross flow filtration at a pressure variation of 0.5; 1,0; 1,5; and 2 bars for 10 minutes. The results showed that the microfilter membrane operated best at a pressure of 0.5 bar with a membrane flux of 124,706-125,171 L/m, the pH of the peat water became neutral at 7.77-8.01, and the removal efficiency of organic compounds (%R) 92,32% for NaOH 2M activators and 88.78% for HCl 2M activators. It can be concluded that the membrane made from activated NaOH 2M is more selective to the removal of organic compounds from peat water than the
membrane made from activated HCl 2M 

Kata Kunci

Base-acid activator; characterization membrane microfiltre; organic compound removal; selectivity of membrane; zeolite-clay

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