Analisa Sifat Mekanik Genteng Komposit Polimer dari Penambahan Serat Panjang Sabut Kelapa

Erna Yusniyanti


The nature of the material is very dependent on the variation of the elements contained therein and the treatment of the material during the process of making the material. The manufacture and characterization of these polymer composite tiles utilizing used Hight Density Polyethylene (HDPE) waste and long coconut fiber fiber (SSK). The materials used are 5% asphalt, 30% HDPE and variations in the composition of sand and SSK made are (65: 0), (64: 1), (63: 2), (62: 3) and (61: 4). The characterization of polymer composite tiles was carried out by testing the mechanical and physical properties. The results of the mechanical tests include the maximum flexural and impact tests in the sample 4 composition (62: 3) of 10.88 MPa and 26,47 KJ / m 2. The results of the physical properties test show that the density value is close to the SNI 7711.1.2012 tile standard of 1.59 gr / cm 3 and this value is found in samples 4 and 5 in compositions 62: 3 and 61: 4. The results of testing the water absorption according to SNI of 0.6%, this value is in sample 4 (62: 3). From the results of mechanical tests and physical properties test maximum testing is found in sample 4 (62: 3) so
that this composition is considered the best. The use of SSK Long Fiber in this study can be used as a reinforcement material for polymer composite tiles because the results obtained meet SNI 7711.1.2012 tile quality standards.

Kata Kunci

Coconut Fiber Long Fiber (SSK); Hight Density Polyethylene (HDPE); Asphalt; Sand; Polymer Composite Tile; Mechanical Test

Teks Lengkap:



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