Kesiapan Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe Menuju Smart Campus Berbasis Revolusi Industri 4.0

Aswandi Aswandi, Arief Mardiyanto


The rapid development of innovative science and technology can change the way people live and work processes that interconnected with one another. Changes that occur in people's lives with the emergence of new technologies packaged in the form of the revolution industry 4.0. Utilising information and communication technology (ICT) to improve services to the campus community and stakeholders, it must go to the smart campus. Problems with the ICT system that are found, especially the information system that runs on the Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe (PNL), according to the author's observation, were not able to provide accurate information and have not offered much up-to-date information as decision making. The happens because they do not yet have a clear and directed roadmap, blueprint and planning towards a smart campus based on the revolution industry 4.0 so that the system developed is not in line with current needs. If left unchecked, the implications for the success of the institution to be achieved so that when implementing smart campus will fail. This failure caused by poorly planned planning, users and experts who are not ready to use technology, infrastructure that does not support, the unavailability of IT development funding and there is no clear policy. This research activity aims to see the availability and readiness of the PNL system towards a reliable, smart campus so that it can use as a reference in system development. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the development of the ICT4D Model which consists of 4 components (ICT Use, ICT Readiness, ICT Capability and ICT impact). Analysis of the readiness of ICT development towards smart campus is carried out by quantitative descriptive research where researchers conduct stages ranging from literature studies, surveys, questionnaires, data analysis and empirical findings. In this study the test subjects are leaders, lecturers, education staff and students. The results of the research that have been carried out in PNL based on testing of the overall smart campus development model obtained an index of 52.97%, meaning that this component is quite ready to welcome the smart campus, but this aspect requires many improvements to achieve success.

Kata Kunci

TIK; R&D; ICT4D; Smart Campus; Revolution Industry 4.0.

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