Superkarbon Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan Bagi Pengembangan Industri Rumah Tangga

Akhyar Ibrahim, Manfarisyah Manfarisyah, Abdul Muhyi


The application of science and technology was order to increase the people's technology-based skills in the production of supercarbon as a renewable energy source for home industry; to be applied by the urban community in the management of organic waste, especially dry leaves and grasses; and to increase economic added value and welfare for the community. The training participants
were selected from residents who were known as food industry entrepreneurs and household-scale snacks. The results of this activity indicate that the supercarbon making training activity was running smoothly and satisfactorily, and all participants can make supercarbon briquettes from organic waste from leaves and grass well; participants who have attended training and have additional skills, particularly in the use of leaves and grass waste as raw material for making supercarbon briquettes from organic waste, which has been limited to coconut shell charcoal and wood charcoal only; and at the same time inspire the villagers to do entrepreneurship on
a home industry scale independently.

Kata Kunci

Bricket; Supercarbon; Grass; Wood leaves; Renewable Energy

Teks Lengkap:



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