Modifikasi PLA-KS-ZnO Komposit Pada Permukaan Film untuk Aplikasi Kemasan

Cut Nurul Fitriani, Teuku Rihayat, Muhammad Yunus


This research is about Composite Polylactic Acid with chitosan and zinc oxide reinforcement (ZnO) in the manufacture of packaging biofilms. The purpose of this study is to produce biofilms with biofilm surface characteristics that are good and can be applied to food packaging. The method used is heating by varying the concentration of chitosan (1; 3; 5%) and the concentration of ZnO at (1; 2; 3%). Biofilm was analyzed by tensile strength test (ASTM 638) and morphological test using SEM. The results showed that the optimum tensile strength value obtained at the addition of Chitosan 5% -ZnO 3%, amounting to 1.22 MPa with the addition
of glycerol. The morphology seen in the optimum tensile strength sample is less homogeneous at all magnifications. ZnO reinforcement added to the resulting composite can increase the tensile strength. So that biofilm composites can be applied for food packaging.

Kata Kunci

Biofilm; Kitosan; Polylactic Acid; Seng Oksida (ZnO)


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