Pengukuran Energi Listrik Berbasis PZEM-004T

Salwin Anwar, Tri Artono, Nasrul Nasrul, Dasrul Dasrul, A Fadli


Electrical energy is needed to support all human life at the present time. Starting from work at home, travel and at work. However, if in use there is extravagance or extra-ordinary use, it will cause the payment of electricity bills to soar. To overcome this, electrical energy must be measured in its use, so that the use of energy becomes efficient and efficient. In this article, we propose the measurement of electrical energy using the PZEM-00T sensor, where by using this PZEM-004T sensor, the device produced is quite simple, because the PZEM-004T sensor has a current and voltage sensor, to display the readings using the LCD 20x4 and as a control
use Arduino. After making the tool, the error results in the measurement of the voltage of 0.2% and the current of 0.2%.

Kata Kunci

Electric Energy; PZEM-004T; LCD; Arduino.

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