Identifikasi dan Autentikasi Akses Ruang Laboratorium Menggunakan E-KTP Pada Jurusan Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer PNL

Amirullah Amirullah, Mursyidah Mursyidah, Muhammad Rizka, Mulia Ichsan


The locking system in the Informatics Engineering laboratory still uses a manual locking system that is conventional keys, so it is less efficient because the use of conventional keys can be broken into by burglars caused by the development of the way the thief to open the door and the use of conventional keys has an impact on human error ie the key can be lost or mistake forgot to lock the
laboratory room door. So that a more practical and efficient key is needed, from the problem the author has the idea of producing an identification and authentication system for the use of RFID-based laboratory space by utilizing e-KTP as an RFID tag that can improve the security of laboratory space and access systems for laboratory space use. The identification system design uses the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller as the circuit controller. This study uses the Research and Development method, which is a research method by conducting observations and interviews and development methods for designing and manufacturing and testing systems to produce a particular system that has been designed. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that the e-KTP that can be read by the reader is e-KTP in accordance with ISO / IEC 14443 which is commonly owned by all residents which can be used as universal cards and can
also be implemented as smart cards for identification and authentication of access to use of laboratory space in the Department of Information and Computer Technology Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe.

Kata Kunci

e-KTP; Radio Frequency Identification; Authentication

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