Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Dan Kontrol Buka Tutup Pintu Waduk Lhokseumawe Secara Otomatis Berbasis Android

Hendra Dilfa, Salahuddin Salahuddin, M Basyir


This research was conducted due to the frequent occurrence of floods in Lhokseumawe City especially in the Banda Sakti sub-district when heavy rains hit. This happens because the performance of the Lhokseumawe City Reservoir is less effective and the drainage / reservoir water in the reservoir still uses manual control performed by the reservoir operator. The purpose of this research is to design and build a miniature of the Lhokseumawe City Reservoir as a simulator to control the drainage gates automatically using a water level sensor and ultrasonic sensor to detect water depths in the reservoir and to be equipped with an emergency system that is a drain pump from the reservoir directly to the center the sea uses subsea pipelines when reservoirs cannot hold water anymore. And in this design is also equipped with remote monitoring using an Android smartphone that is sent via Wireless. The results of the reading of the water level sensor and ultrasonic sensor will be sent by telemetry using wireless and on Android will display the water level, open / close door status, alarm status and pump status.

Kata Kunci

Reservoir; Water Level Sensor; Ultrasonic Sensor; System Emergency; Telemetry

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