Perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Krueng Lhok Gob Desa Kumba Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

Teuku Hasannuddin, Maimun Maimun, Radhiah Radhiah, Fauzan Fauzan, Muhammad Muhammad


This research is a design of the Krueng Lhok Gob hydropower plant as a distributed generation of renewable energy types connected to the 150 kV Aceh electricity system. To produce optimal electrical energy in the design of hydroelectric power plants, the main components, such as the selection of effective elevation, the diameter and length of the penstock, the suitability of turbine’s type with the discharge and elevation of falling water, and the generator's capacity, must be planned as precisely as possible. The energy generated from Krueng Lhok Gob will be distributed through the 150kV Aceh interconnection network to get better reliability than before, such as minimizing power losses, improving the voltage's profile and power's factor, so that, in the end, useless energy can be avoided or reduced on 150 kV Aceh's interconnection system. From the results of this study, it is concluded that the design of the Krueng Lhok Gob hydroelectric power plant produces the highest effective power of 2540 kW at a discharge of 2.59 m 3/s with the most optimal elevation of 119 meters and a pipe length of 1960 m. The penstock diameter for measuring 2.59m 3/s dischargesis 1.12 m and 0.648m for the average annual discharge of 0.81 m 3/ s. Power losses on the penstock can be minimized by shortening it from 1960 m to 119 m so that power losses become 20.12 kW from the previous of 331.31 kW. The effect after shortening the penstock is the effective power becomes 2698 kW. The type of turbine used in the Lhok Gob hydroelectric power plant with a discharge of 2.59 m 3/s and a 119 m elevation is a francis type reaction turbine with radial flow and 3102 kW of generator’s capacity.

Kata Kunci

water discharge; penstock; reaction turbines; generators; effective power

Teks Lengkap:



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